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- Create Date October 5, 2016
- Last Updated October 5, 2016
Hiden Gas Analysers at 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
Research and development facilities around the world have chosen Hiden’s QGA and HPR-20 atmospheric pressure gas analysis systems to facilitate high sensitivity, fast response studies of process gases, reaction products and breakthrough gases In catalyst characterization, materials screening, fuel cell development and biogas studies – to name just a few of the many applications our systems have addressed over the last 3 decades. On display at the forthcoming 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition will be our QGA quantitative gas analysis system, for direct real time analysis, quantification and control of gas related processes ranging in pressure from 100 mbar to 50 bar. Please drop by our Booth in Philadelphia, PA, August 21-23, 2016, and we will be pleased to learn more about your requirements and have the opportunity to guide you in the choice of gas analysis system.