Hiden Gas Analysers at ARABLAB 2015
Hiden are exhibiting their latest laboratory gas analysers at ARABLAB 2015, 23rd - 26th March, Dubai UAE. Visit us on Booth 1011. Hiden will feature...
48th KVS – The Korean Vacuum Society
Our Agents in Korea, Scinco, Exhibited at 48th KVS (welly Healy Park - formerly Hyundai Sungwoo Resort) on behalf of Hiden Analytical Ltd....
UK Catalysis Conference 2015
Hiden exhibited at the UK Catalysis Conference, 8th and 9th January 2015, Burleigh Court Hotel & Conference Centre, Loughborough, UK. Find out...
UK Surface Analysis Forum: Winter Meeting
Functional Materials: Creation, Characterisation & Catalysis Date: 7th January, 2015 Host: Cardiff Catalysis Institute, Cardiff University...
Mini Exhibitions in Stockholm and Linkoping
Stockholm On the 25th November, our new distributors for the Hiden RGA Series of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers in Sweden & Norway (Low2High...
Concentrated solar thermal power (CSP)
Concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) offers a clean renewable source of energy. Combined with energy storage, CSP can be...
Hiden Gas Analysers at Pittcon 2015 | Visit us on Booth No. 1127
Hiden are exhibiting their latest laboratory gas analysers at Pittcon 2015, 9th - 12th March, New Orleans LA USA. Visit us onBooth 1127. Hiden...
New Compact SIMS at ARABLAB 2015
Hiden is pleased to announce they will be exhibiting the New Compact SIMS, a design breakthrough for surface analysis, atARABLAB 2015, 23rd - 26th...
QGA Atmospheric Gas Analyser at 61st AVS
Hiden showcased the New Compact SIMS Instrument, a design breakthrough for surface analysis, & the QGA Atmospheric Gas Analyser at 61st AVS 9-14...