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Iron Oxide and Iron Sulfide Films Prepared for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

Materials 2020, 13, 1797; doi:10.3390/ma13081797

The Hiden EQP was used to analyse the argon, iron and oxygen ions and compounds from a hollow cathode plasma jet for the deposition of dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) for solar energy applications.  Both DC and pulsed DC plasmas were used to deposit onto the substrate.  Both argon and ferrous ions were found to have thermal energies, with reduction in ion energy seen with increasing plasma pressure and distance to cathode due to inelastic collisions.  The resultant thin films were analysed using AFM and electron microscopy, with changes in surface morphology observed with differences in plasma ion energy as well as ion composition.

Figure 3: Energetic spectra for argon in DC and pulsed DC modes (a) and iron in DC mode (b). Energetic spectra for argon in DC mode for different pressures and distances from cathode (c) and argon flow rates (d). Default parameters: distance from cathode 7 cm, Ar flow 150 sccm, O2 flow 0 sccm, discharge current 150 mA and pulsed mode duty cycle 10 % at frequency 1 kHz.

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