Emission control with Cu-Fe catalysts
Increasing emissions of nitrogen oxides associated with global industrialization necessitates the development of more sustainable NOx-removal...
A Robust Two-dimensional Layered Metal-Organic Framework for Efficient Separation of Methane from Nitrogen
Fang Zhenga, Lihang Chena, *, Rundao Chena, Zhiguo Zhanga, b, Qiwei Yanga, b, Yiwen Yanga, b, Baogen Sua, b, Qilong Rena, b, Zongbi Baoa, b, * aKey...
Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition: Correlating O2 plasma parameters and species to blister formation and conformal film growth
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a coating technique that allows to coat challenging 3D substrates in a uniform and conformal way, with atomic layer...
The effect of inert gas ion radiation on the nanostructure of HiPIMS deposited titanium silicon nitride films
Low-energy inert-gas ion irradiation of the film surface during refractory transition-metal (TM) nitride growth by conventional DC magnetron...
Decomposition of NO2 over a MOF catalyst by plasma activation
Nitrogen oxide (NOx) causes significant impacts on the environment and human health, and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is the most toxic and prevalent form...
Methane Oxidation with Ni/SDC catalysts
Conversion of natural gas or methane to hydrogen and valuable commodities with high efficiency is relentlessly pursued. Compared with the steam...
Characterization of an RF excited broad beam ion source operating with inert gases
The Leibniz Institute for Surface Engineering Leipzig (IOM) gained matchless expertise on the fabrication and modification of ultra-precise and...
Hydrogenated Graphene for Hydrogen Storage Applications
Fully hydrogenated graphene, termed “graphane”, is composed of 7.7 % hydrogen by mass, and possesses unique physical, electrical, and optical...
CO2 Valorization into Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) using a Co-Ni bimetallic Y2O3 Based Catalysts
Recently, because of the increasing demand for natural gas and the reduction of greenhouse gases, interests have focused on the production of...