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Alternating with the biennial International SIMS Conferences, the European Workshop is attended by an increasing number of participants, exceeding 230 in the past years, indicating that it meets the needs of the European as well as the international SIMS community.

The emphasis of this year‘s meeting was on fundamental research, including sputtering and ionisation processes, postionisation, cluster ion bombardment, molecular depth profiling, and ultra-high spatial resolution SIMS. The conference also focussed on analytical applications of SIMS in well-established fields such as nanoelectronics, materials sciences, life sciences, and nanotechnologies. Invited speakers of international standing presented keynote lectures, followed by contributed papers and poster sessions.

Dr Graham Cooke & Dr Helena Stec from Hiden Analytical UK HQ attended & exhibited at SIMS Europe.

SIMS Europe Stand

SIMS Europe Stand