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Synchrotron Vacuum

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Vacuum Monitoring in Synchrotrons 

Synchrotron light is an extremely useful tool for many types of research in materials science, physics and chemistry. The benefits of synchrotron light used in beam line experiments include  the high intensity, tuneable wavelength, collimation, and polarization of synchrotron radiation. The generation and maintenance of the synchrotron light source at high intensity requires an ultra-high vacuum. If the vacuum environment of the light source  becomes contaminated, the beam quality for experiments is immediately degraded.


Residual Gas Analysers are used for vacuum monitoring in synchrotrons. The special nature of synchrotron light sources for vacuum monitoring systems   is the radiation level which by the nature of the light source exists where the residual gas analyser is required. Standard residual gas analysers without effective shielding fail within this environment. Hiden Analytical residual gas analysers are offered with a range of radiation resistance options  to cover the full range of  environments within the synchrotron infrastructure.  As standard Hiden residual gas analysers are radiation resistant and operate without the need for special shielding.  

For environments where the radiation is higher and exceeds an accumulated dose over a 10 year period, of 10 8 Rads, we offer radiation hard options, and for the most harsh environments  the Hiden HAL101X  is recommended. Synchrotron equipment uses high power magnetic fields to confine the beam. This can have a deleterious effect on integrated electronics. Hiden developed the HAL 101X to overcome this hurdle, allowing the instrument to be mounted on the synchrotron, but allowing the control electronics to be located up to 120 m away.The HAL 101X residual gas analyser includes the new transformer coupled RF technology . The transformer coupled technology enables the analyser to be separated from the RGA electronics, the RF and interface units by extended distances of up to 120m .


Further Reading