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Residual Gas Analysis

Residual Gas Analysis and Vacuum Processing_Chamber

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For routine, fast, wide dynamic range residual gas analysis

Residual Gas Analysis is a general term for the analysis of gas and vapour species in vacuum chambers and vacuum processes.


The Hiden RGA series quadrupole mass spectrometers provide for routine, fast, wide dynamic range residual gas analysis, measuring the partial pressures of the species that are critical to vacuum quality and process requirements.

Applications include :

    • Vacuum chamber leak detection
    • Vacuum quality measurement and monitoring
    • Virtual leak detection
    • Outgassing studies
    • Bakeout cycle/vacuum pump down monitoring

Further Reading


On the application of components manufactured with stereolithographic 3D printing in high vacuum systems 523.83 KB 29 downloads

On the application of components manufactured with stereolithographic 3D printing...

South African crustal fracture fluids preserve paleometeoric water signatures for up to 2 tens of millions of years. 765.57 KB 21 downloads

South African crustal fracture fluids preserve paleometeoric water signatures for...

Dependence on Under-Coordinated Pt at the Surface of Layered PtTe2 in the Decomposition of Methanol 1.77 MB 83 downloads

Dependence on Under-Coordinated Pt at the Surface of Layered PtTe2 in the Decomposition...

Oxidation of Supported Nickel Nanoparticles at Low Exposure to O2: Charging Effects and Selective Surface Activity 4.81 MB 27 downloads

Oxidation of Supported Nickel Nanoparticles at Low Exposure to O2: Charging Effects...