August 2023 | | | |
2nd August | Model-based battery management systems for current and next-generation batteries | ECS | |
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January 2023 | | | |
26th January | The axion search programme at DESY | CERN Courier | |
17th January | SLAC at 60: past, present, future | CERN Courier | |
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December 2022 | | | |
7th December | Understanding and Improving Electrochemical CO2 Capture | ECS | |
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November 2022 | | | |
16th November | Corrosion studies in support of long-term management of Canadian nuclear waste | ECS | |
4th November | Hybrid quantum opto- and electromechanical systems | IOP Physics World | |
3rd November | Purifying the demon: does quantum erasure cost more than you remember? | IOP Physics World | |
3rd November | Quantum sensors for new-physics discoveries | IOP Physics World | |
1st November | Perspectives on societal aspects and impacts of quantum technologies | IOP Physics World | |
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October 2022 | | | |
31st October | Scalable integration of quantum emitters into photonic integrated circuits | IOP Physics World | |
26th October | Low-Temperature Water Electrolyzers – Bottlenecks, Advantages, and Outlook | ECS | |
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September 2022 | | | |
21st September | Challenges facing conventional li-ion battery electrolytes & high-energy cathodes | ECS | |
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August 2022 | | | |
24th August | The LHC cryogenics and its adaptation to the operational parameters for beams, related physics and energy preservation | CERN | |
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July 2022 | | | |
27th July | RF technology for LHC and HL-LHC | CERN | |
20th July | Electrocatalysis towards Carbon Neutrality | JPhys Energy | |
20th July | Electrochemical Flow Reactors: Optimal Electrodes Through 3D Printing and Tomography
| ECS | |
14th July | Superconducting magnets: an enabling technology for the discovery of the Higgs boson | CERN | |
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June 2022 | | | |
30th June | Electric field determination in atmospheric pressure plasmas | IOPS | |
15th June | How can an efficient corrosion management assist clean energy strategies to establish a sustainable society? | ECS | |
9th June | Enhanced Generation of Reactive Species by Cold Plasma in Gelatin Solutions for Selective Cancer Cell Death | IOPS | |
8th June | Changing the Sun: Quantum Cutting Materials to Increase the Efficiencies and Lifetimes of Silicon Solar Cells | AVS | |
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May 2022 | | | |
26th May | Electron-induced dissociative excitation in H2O+, electron attachment to a proton in water by interatomic Coulombic electron capture, and positron scattering from pyrazin | IOPS | |
26th May | Plasma Catalyst-Integrated System for Ammonia Production from H2O and N2 at Atmospheric Pressure | IOPS | |
25th May | | ECS | |
12th May | Inductive coupling of RF discharges: Insights and optimization via modeling and experiments | IOPS | |
11th May | Vacuum technology for mimicking cosmic-dust formation in dying stars | IUVSTA | |
10th May | Martin Knudsen – A Pioneer in Gas Flows | IUVSTA | |
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April 2022 | | | |
28th April | Toward a diffraction limited storage-ring-based X-ray source | CERN | |
28th April | Periodic forced flow in a nanosecond pulsed cold atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet | IOPS | |
28th April | Modeling of High Pressure Short-Arc Xenon Discharge With a Thoriated Cathode | IOPS | |
20th April | Electrification and Decarbonization of Chemical Synthesis | ECS | |
14th April | Particle-in-Cell Simulation of CCP with pulsed DC biasing at low pressure – an Industry Perspective | IOPS | |
14th April | High-resolution observation of cathode spots in a magnetically steered vacuum arc plasma source | IOPS | |
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March 2022 | | | |
31st March | In-orbit demonstration of an iodine electric propulsion system | IOPS/OLTP | |
31st March | Characterization of a radio-frequency inductively coupled electrothermal plasma thruster | IOPS/OLTP | |
29th March | Measuring Your Level of Vacuum: A Guide to Gauge Technology | AVS | |
23rd March | Hydrogen production: from imagined colours to clean reality | IOP | |
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February 2022 | | | |
23rd February | Hydrogen's Big Shot: Where we are and where we are going | IOP | |
11th February | UHV Design and Practices | AVS | |
10th February | Plasma-Enhanced CVD: Fundamentals, Applications & Techniques (1 day) | AVS | |
9th February | Atomic Layer Deposition from an Applications Perspective | AVS | |
8th February | Atomic Layer Etching | AVS | |
4th February | Partial Pressure Analysis with Residual Gas Analyzers | AVS | |
3rd February | Basics of Radio Frequency Technology (1-day) | AVS | |
1st - 2nd February | Plasma Etching and RIE: Fundamentals and Applications | AVS | |
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January 2022 | | | |
26th January | European Hydrogen Programs: from Hydrogen Manifesto to Clean Energy ACT | IOP | |
25th January | Fundamental and Practical Insights on Stress Evolution During Thing Film Growth | AVS | |
20th January | Introduction to Bipolar High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering | IUVTSA | |
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December 2021 | | | |
17th December | Women's Perspectives in Quantum Materials
| JPhysMaterials | |
16th December | Linking Dry Corrosion and Catalysis e-Talk | AVS | |
15th December | Magnetic oxides for water oxidation: magnetization, pinning effect, and pH dependence | ECS | |
13th December | Quantum Nanotechnologies: Future Challenges and Research Directions | IOP Science | |
9th December | Area-Selective Deposition Webinar | AVS | |
1st December | Design and Manufacture of Solid State Batteries towards Low Cost | ECS | |
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November 2021 | | | |
25th November | Past, present and future of Gas Aggregation Source for Nanoparticle Synthesis - A unique tool for fundamental studies and applications
| IUVSTA | |
17th November | How Molecular Catalysts mediate the Electrochemical Generation of Fuels | ECS | |
15th November | Fermilab: a future built on international engagement
| CERN | |
2nd November | Nanocolumnar films: applications in medicine, energy and aerospace | IUVSTA | |
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October 2021 | | | |
27th October | From order to disorder: NMR insights into ionic conduction in battery materials | ECS | |
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September 2021 | | | |
22nd September | Molecular Engineering of Photoinduced Charge Separation | ECS | |
15th September | Electrochemistry and Couple Chemo-Mechanical Phenomena in Batteries Beyond Intercalation | ECS | |
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August 2021 | | | |
26th August | Plasma-surface interactions for advance semiconductor processing | IUVSTA | |
25th August | Electrochemistry-based and -coupled characterization of energy storage materials | ECS | |
18th -19th August | Exciting developments in photochemistry and electrochemistry for synthesis | SCI | |
18th August | Water-mediated Intercalation Mechanisms in Transition Metal Oxides | ECS | |
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July 2021 | | | |
28th July | Thermodynamic origins of reaction heterogeneity in lithium battery electrodes | ECS | |
14th July | Application of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in Lithium Ion Batteries (Chock Karuppaiah) | ECS | |
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June 2021 | | | |
30th June | Future Circular Collider (FCC) study | CERN | |
23rd June | Microfluidic systems for the skin: Quantitative sensing of biomarkers in sweat | ECS | |
16th June | Nitride Quantum light sources | Quantum Week/Physics World | |
15th June | Tales of no-quite-probability distribution | Quantum Week/Physics World | |
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April 2021 | | | |
21st April | The Development of New Ionic Electrolytes for Energy Storage Devices | ECS | |
14th April | Physics of Dopant Emission to Harness the Rainbow Emission of Nanocrystals | ECS | |
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March 2021 | | | |
11th March | The CERN Quantum Technology Initiative | CERN | |
10th March | Graphene and its supercapacitor applications | ECS | |
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February 2021 | | | |
24th February | Next-generation batteries for electric vehicles and stationary storage | ECS | |
10th February | Microbiologically influenced corrosion: tips, myths, skills | ECS | |
3rd February | From CERN technologies to medical applications | CERN | |
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January 2021 | | | |
13th January | Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide Electrocatalysis for Renewable Energy Conversion | ECS | |
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December 2020 | | | |
16th December | Durable perovskite solar cells | ECS | |
2nd December | Without sound and fury, signifying something: acoustics and batteries | ECS | |
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November 2020 | | | |
11th November | Electrochemistry in Rechargeable Lithium Metal Batteries | ECS | |
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June 2020 | | | |
24th June | Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: Path Towards a Carbon Neutral Chemical Industry
| ECS | |
17th June | Intricacies of High-Energy Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries | ECS | |
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