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EQP Series

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Systems for Plasma Research

High performance combined mass and energy quadrupole mass spectrometers for the characterisation of plasmas.

EQP-6 300 or 510 amu mass range with 6 mm triple filter quadrupole mass spectrometer for a wide range of plasma research applications.

EQP-9 9 mm triple filter quadrupole-based systems, featuring the broadest range of mass options available.  50 to 5000 amu options for high stability measurements and ion cluster analysis.

EQP-20 featuring Hiden’s 20 mm triple filter quadrupole with zone I/zone H switchable for 20 amu with 0.003 amu peak width, and 200 amu mass range with unit mass resolution for characterisation of hydrogen isotope plasmas.


Hiden plasma probes measure some of the key plasma parameters and provide detailed information relating to plasma reaction chemistry.

Detailed understanding of the reaction kinetics of plasma ions and neutral species plays a key role in the development of advanced surface engineering processes such as HIPIMS.

The integral electron bombardment ion source provides for analysis of neutrals and, with the addition of the EAMS (electron attachment mass spectrometry) electron attachment mode, for separation and identification of electronegative radical species.

A high transmission 45° sector field energy analyser for positive and negative ion energy analysis up to 1000 eV is included in all of the EQP series instruments.

The EQP Series are available with integrated MCS – multi channel scalar data acquisition with time resolution to 50 nano seconds providing for fast data acquisition in pulsed plasma applications.


Further Reading

AP-EQP-202160 – Improving the crystallinity and texture of oblique-angle-deposited AlN thin films using reactive synchronized HiPIMS

AP-EQP-202151 – Influence of plasma ionization on the elastic modulus and tribology behavior of carbon films deposited by the HiPIMS technique

AP-EQP-202147 – Gas Phase Reaction Dynamics in Pulsed Laser Deposition

AP-EQP-202131 – Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition: Correlating O2 plasma parameters and species to blister formation and conformal film growth

AP-EQP-202129 – Time-averaged and time-resolved ion fluxes related to reactive HiPIMS deposition of Ti-Al-N films

AP-EQP-202123 – Postgrowth modification of monolayer graphene films by low-pressure diborane-argon plasma

AP1140 – The effect of inert gas ion radiation on the nanostructure of HiPIMS deposited titanium silicon nitride films

AP-EQP-202126 – Characterization of an RF excited broad beam ion source operating with inert gases

AP-EQP-202125 – An Experiment Simulating Titan’s Atmosphere, as Probed by a Hiden Mass Spectrometer

AP-EQP-202124 – Nitride formation during reactive sputter deposition of multi-principal element alloys in argon/nitrogen mixtures

AP-EQP-0011 – TIPS: Test-Bench for Ion Source Plasma Studies

AP-EQP-202014 – Effect of Mo-Cu cathode composition on plasma generation in DC arc synthesis

AP0971 Element- and charge-state-resolved ion energies in the cathodic arc plasma from composite AlCr cathodes in argon, nitrogen and oxygen atmospheres

AP0599 Nanoparticle decoration of carbon nanotubes by sputtering

AP0686 CFx films synthesized by HIPIMS sputtering of carbon

AP-EQP-0005 CH2F+ and CHF2 ion density measurements in argon or krypton-diluted CH2F2 plasmas

AP-EQP-0003 Investigation of Solar Energy Materials

AP0317 Absolute Quantification of Deuterium Ion Fluxes from an ECR Plasma Source

AP-EQP-0004 Negative oxygen ion impingement on SiO2 thin films during growth

AP0280 Advantages of HIPIMS of Silver for Improved E. coli Inactivation

AP0319 High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS) and traditional pulsed sputtering (DCMSP) Ag-surfaces leading to E. coli inactivation

AP0322 Composition and Species Evolution in a Laser-induced LuMnO3 Plasma

AP0371 In-situ Monitoring of the Growth of Silver Thin Film – the Influence of Sputtering Gas

AP-EQP-0001 – Negative-ion Surface Production in Hydrogen Plasmas

AP-EQP-0002 – Highly selective etching of SiO2 over Si3N4 and Si in capacitively coupled plasma employing C5HF7 gas

Ames Technology Capabilities and Facilities | Plasma Diagnostics

PSI – Paul Scherrer Institut | Plasma & Thin Film Analysis

The system is supplied with MASsoft Professional software.

This Windows 10 and Windows 11 compatible software allows control of the instrument via USB 2.0, RS232 or Ethernet. Provides comprehensive I/O for data output and for reading data from external devices for integration and display with mass spectrometer data.