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Battery Research

Lithium Ion Battery Development
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Detection of lithium using SIMS on FIB microscope

The EQS spectrometer provides SIMS detection for focusedion beam (FIB) microscopes, with excellent sensitivity for light elements (sub ppm sensitivity for lithium).


The EQS spectrometer provides SIMS detection for focused ion beam (FIB) microscopes, with excellent sensitivity for light elements (sub ppm sensitivity for lithium).

Additionally, isotopically pure materials can be used for diffusion studies.

SIMS of cathode 7Li mass resolved SIMS image of the cathode surface showing a distinct lithium rich area (research of Hochschule Aalen).

Hiden EQS on Zeiss Crossbeam 340

Hiden EQS on Zeiss Crossbeam 340.

Lithium battery analysis The micrograph shows a 50μm fi eld of view of a cathode surface

Lithium battery analysis The Micrograph shows a 50μm field of view of a cathode surface.

SEM imaging of an aged battery cathode shows bright regions.

SIMS imaging of this region shows the bright areas to be lithium rich.

SIMS of cathode

Further Reading


High-Throughput Combinatorial Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Nanoscale Lithium Metal Plating 11.56 MB 60 downloads

High-Throughput Combinatorial Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Nanoscale...

Combined Stabilizing of the Solid−Electrolyte Interphase with Suppression of Graphite Exfoliation via Additive-Solvent Optimization in Li-Ion Batteries 8.83 MB 54 downloads

Combined Stabilizing of the Solid−Electrolyte Interphase with Suppression of Graphite...

Differentially pumped quadrupole SIMS probe on FIB-based and two-beam microscopes 1.22 MB 72 downloads

Differentially pumped quadrupole SIMS probe on FIB-based and two-beam microscopes ...

Electrostatic Tuning of Ionic Charge in SiO2 Dielectric Thin Films 919.96 KB 67 downloads

Electrostatic Tuning of Ionic Charge in SiO2 Dielectric Thin Films ...

Experimental determination of Li diffusivity in LLZO using isotopic exchange and FIB-SIMS 1.27 MB 87 downloads

Experimental determination of Li diffusivity in LLZO using isotopic exchange and...