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Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) is a technique used to monitor surface interactions between molecular species on a surface when the surface temperature has changed in a controlled setting. The method of TPD is frequently used in catalysis applications to help scientists understand how catalytic processes, such as adsorption, surface reaction and desorption, occur.

What is Temperature Programmed Desorption?

Temperature programmed desorption is used to determine the strength of interactions between a surface and the adsorbed species. This is carried out by placing a catalyst inside a reactor and pushing an inert gas into the chamber. Alternatively the sample can be located in a UHV chamber with no carrier gas. The sample is dosed with a probe gas such as CO, NH3, H2 etc. The sample is then increased in temperature at a linear ramp rate and the desorption products analysed by a mass spectrometer.

This technique is powerful and effective in obtaining information about surface chemistry. Because catalytic reactions only occur on a catalyst’s surface, observing surface/adsorbate interactions is vital for understanding why these reactions occur. The following section will briefly outline further applications of temperature-programmed desorption.

Applications of Temperature Programmed Desorption

Aside from surface chemistry, TPD is also used in several other applications. These applications include hydrogen in metals, photovoltaics, semiconductors, and thin films. The TPD method provides scientists with vast volumes of information. TPD is also a highly effective technique for identifying contaminants or performance problems in a production chain, which helps to keep the process as clean and high quality as possible.

  • Materials characterization
  • Nanotechnology
  • Photovoltaics
  • Semiconductors
  • Surface science
  • Thin films

Hiden Analytical’s Temperature Programmed Desorption Solutions

Hiden Analytical has developed a complete experimental system that is an ideal solution for UHV temperature programmed desorption (TPD) studies. Our system is currently used for studying hydrogen desorption in metals novel electronics and electronics manufacturing, as it provides data on adsorbed species on thin films and can help in quality control.

Key Features of Hiden Analytical’s UHV-TPD Workstation

Scientists and researchers can use our TPD workstation for various applications, including those mentioned above. It has a 3F PIC mass spectrometer that enables high-speed data acquisition, a multiport UHV chamber so that additional equipment can be attached, and a heated sample stage (up to 1000oC). The Workstation also has computer software that enables automatic temperature and analyser control.

  • 3F PIC Mass Spectrometer
  • Integrated software
  • Sample stage (Max temp 1000oC)
  • Load-lock for fast sample change

Our product brochure will provide more information on how TPD can be utilised in catalysis, semiconductor and materials characterisation. You can contact us today if you think we offer the ideal solution for your applications.