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Herr Sachin Raj Menon tritt Hiden Analytical Europe bei

  Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu dürfen, dass wir unser Team von Hiden Analytical Europe in Düsseldorf durch die Einstellung von Herrn Sachin Raj Menon als Service und Anwendungsingenieur erweitert haben.

New pQA portable quadrupole analyser

The Hiden pQA portable gas analyser is a versatile mass spectrometer and offered with a range of interchangeable sampling inlets to suit a broad application range.

Hiden Analytical Europe GmbH

We are pleased to announce the opening of our new company Hiden Analytical Europe GmbH. The new company located in Düsseldorf Germany is responsible for sales and service of Hiden Analytical products in Germany and Austria.

Quadrupole probe analysers for UHV/XHV

The Hiden RGA series of quadrupole mass spectrometers for in-vacuum process analysis is further extended to include systems for applications from general vacuum monitoring through to specialised environmental and R&D applications.