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  • Create Date October 5, 2016
  • Last Updated October 5, 2016

Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometer Monitors Reactive Ions at Ambient Pressure

The Hiden HPR-60 mass spectrometer is a research tool conceived specifically for direct analysis of ions, radicals and neutral species in reactive processes and is of special interest to researchers studying plasma and flame chemistry, reaction kinetics, gas-phase intermediate species. The system typically operates in pressure regimes from 10E-3 mbar to 5 bar, and mass spectrometer options provide for measurement of neutrals, positive ions, negative ions and ion energies with choice of mass range up to 5000 amu. A new option is targeted specifically to isotopic measurement of light gases, with the ability to quantify trace deuterium in helium, for example, down to just 10 part per million.