Dr Dane Walker from Hiden Analytical is exhibiting at 13th International conference on fundamentals and industrial applications of HIPIMS 2023.
The Joint Sheffield Hallam University-Fraunhofer IST HIPIMS Research Centre invites you toHIPIMS 2023, taking place in Venlo, The Netherlands from June 12-15.
The traditional scope of High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering plasma and coating technology is now extended to include a broad range of technologies for plasma coating, plasma surface treatments and non-plasma advanced surface engineering.
The conference aspires to:
- Promote High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS) as a novel technology for surface modification and coating deposition
- Provide a scientific forum to discuss the fundamentals of plasma science and thin film growth and exchange ideas about new industrial applications of HIPIMS
- Bring together the surface engineering communities for plasma coating, plasma surface treatments and non-plasma advanced surface engineering
- Connect the academic research community with the industrial world to foster progress of plasma-based technologies.
Visit Conference Website: click here
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