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The HPR-40 DSA mass spectrometer system was introduced specifically for measurement of gases and vapours in aqueous media. Product development is application driven, with introduction of new media interface styles an on-going process to address novel user requirements and encompassing measurement in areas such as fermentation processing, photosynthesis, electrochemical reaction studies, water quality and soil condition assessment, plant root performance, analysis of enzyme kinetics.

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Cuvette on Stirrer (Top left), DEMS Cell (Top Right), Membrane Inlet Probe (Bottom Left), Kinetic Enzyme Probe (Bottom Right)

A fine membrane separates the aqueous media from the mass spectrometer sample intake, the membrane providing a very significant enrichment in gaseous throughput relative to that of water vapour. Interface types include insertion probes for direct immersion in the liquid media, flow-through patterns, cuvette styles for photo-sensitive biofuel studies, DEMS cells for monitoring of electrochemical reactions. The media interface flexibility is of significant interest for multiple application users in university and research laboratories, and all systems are equipped with automated inlet isolation to protect the system from overpressure in the event of membrane malfunction.

Hiden offers comprehensive system operation and training, with ongoing support by professional engineers always available by telephone/email/skype. For further information visit our Pittcon Booth No. 3942 or contact Hiden Analytical at or visit the main website by clicking here.

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