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Gas Adsorption Removal


Metallic sealants increase flux and change selectivity in supported molten-salt membranes 803.14 KB 0 downloads

Metallic sealants increase flux and change selectivity in supported molten-salt membranes ...

Influence of postsynthetic ligand exchange in ZIF-7 on gate-opening pressure and CO2/CH4 mixture separation 11.11 MB 0 downloads

Influence of postsynthetic ligand exchange in ZIF-7 on gate-opening pressure and...

Accuracy and error in measuring residual water mass quantity in spent nuclear fuel canisters after vacuum drying 626.95 KB 0 downloads

Accuracy and error in measuring residual water mass quantity in spent nuclear fuel...

A Ni4O4-cubane-squarate coordination framework for molecular recognition 15.58 MB 0 downloads

A Ni4O4-cubane-squarate coordination framework for molecular recognition ...

Anomalous enhancement of CO2 capture by local surface bound water in polar carbon nanopores 88.00 KB 0 downloads

Anomalous enhancement of CO2 capture by local surface bound water in polar carbon...

Simultaneous capture of trace benzene and SO2 in a robust Ni(II)-pyrazolate framework 1.73 MB 0 downloads

Simultaneous capture of trace benzene and SO2 in a robust Ni(II)-pyrazolate framework ...

On the role of hydrogen inhibition in gas-phase methane pyrolysis for carbon capture and hydrogen production in a tubular flow reactor 1.27 MB 0 downloads

On the role of hydrogen inhibition in gas-phase methane pyrolysis for carbon capture...

Modeling and experimental studies of carbon dioxide separation on zeolite fi xed bed by cyclic pressure swing adsorption 819.88 KB 0 downloads

Modeling and experimental studies of carbon dioxide separation on zeolite fixed bed...

Advancing Molecular Sieving via Å‑Scale Pore Tuning in Bottom-Up Graphene Synthesis 9.55 MB 0 downloads

Advancing Molecular Sieving via Å‑Scale Pore Tuning in Bottom-Up Graphene Synthesis ...

Anti-Arrhenius passage of gaseous molecules through nanoporous two-dimensional membranes 1.65 MB 0 downloads

Anti-Arrhenius passage of gaseous molecules through nanoporous two-dimensional membranes ...