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ICPIG 2015

Hiden recently exhibited at XXXII ICPIG – International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Iasi Romania 26th – 31st July, 2015.

The conference has been the forum for discussion since 1953 of nearly all fields in plasma science, from the fundamentals of the interaction of charged particles with molecules to plasma chemistry, surface treatment and thin film technology, plasma medicine, light sources, plasma assisted combustion, plasma material processing, atmospheric and stellar plasmas, environmental protection and pollution control, plasma aerodynamics, and non-thermal plasmas in fusion devices. It is a natural continuation of the last three ICPIG editions held in Cancun (Mexico, 2009), Belfast (UK, 2011) and Granada (Spain, 2013).


The Hiden stand at ICPIG 2015

Visit conference website : ICPIG 2015 

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