Hydrogen is being evaluated and promoted worldwide as an environmentally benign replacement for gasoline, natural gas and other fuels in both transportation and non-transportation applications. An extensive amount of research and development is currently being conducted worldwide investigating hydrogen production (reforming of natural gas; gasification of coal and biomass; and the splitting of water by a variety of different techniques) and hydrogen storage (in its three principal forms – gas, liquid and solid). Hydrogen is also a very important molecule in terms of the characterisation of catalysts and materials and the understanding of their properties.
Our recent customer research review provides a selection of applications where the measurements of hydrogen is a signifi cant component of the research.
The Hiden gas analysis systems have key benefits for applications in which light gases such as hydrogen (H2) are used and/or measured.
Hiden systems demonstrate excellent H2 sensitivity – more than x2 sensitivity for H2 compared with published standard RS factors and can include independent foreline and bypass pumps to provide optimum pumping performance.
Customer Research:
- Synthesis and hydrogen storage properties of Mg(AlH4)2
- Symbiotic CeH2.73/CeO2 Catalyst: a Novel Hydrogen Pump
- Hydrogen Production by Variable Volume Membrane Batch Reactors with Modulated Liquid Fuel Introduction
- Study of the catalyst load for a microwave susceptible catalytic DPF