Recently, the Hiden representative in Germany, Sachin Menon from Hiden Analytical Europe GmbH, completed the install of a HPR-20 EGA at MEET – Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology, University of Münster in the group of Dr. Karin Kleiner
The system will be used by Dr. Karin Kleiners colleagues, (PhD student) Bixian Ying (Pictured below) & another PhD student Prantu Sutar.
PhD Student Bixian Ying in the MEET – Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology, University of Münster with the HPR-20 EGA
Their research topic focuses on Unraveling the Mechanism of Capacity Fading during the Cycling of Ni-rich Layered Oxides and the capacity fading related to the oxygen release phenomenon.
Find out more about the HPR-20 EGA
Find out more about our representative: Hiden Analytical Europe GmbH.