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Ultra High Resolution Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

Ultra The Hiden DLS-20 QMS is a quadrupole mass spectrometer specifically designed for the analysis of Hydrogen and Helium Isotopes and light gases and includes a new Hiden mass filter designed for ultra high resolution.

The new mass filter design is a micron precision assembly using the finest precision machined components.



The Hiden DLS-20 QMS is a quadrupole mass spectrometer specifically designed for the analysis of Hydrogen and Helium Isotopes and light gases. 

The DLS-20 QMS includes a new Hiden mass filter designed for ultra high resolution with pole diameter 20mm.

Software switching between quadrupole stability regions zone H and zone 1 provides for operation with ultra high resolution up to *22.5 amu in zone H, and with high resolution operation up to 200 amu in zone 1.

A high stability, high frequency RF supply from the AMZ-QPS  series 1000 RF Generators  is included.

(*The system is updated to cover species up to 22.5 amu, allowing separation by mass of D2O and Ne at nominal 20 amu, with a mass separation of 0.03 amu.)








20mm Rod Mass Filters offer significant advantages for the analysis of isotope ratio measurements:


The combination of a 20mm pole diameter micron precision mass filter, and the high power, high frequency RF at low mass range, is ideal for analysis of He and H isotopes.

Further Reading

The system is supplied with MASsoft Professional software.

This Windows 8 and Windows 10 compatible software allows control of the instrument via USB 2.0, RS232 or Ethernet. Provides comprehensive I/O for data output and for reading data from external devices for integration and display with mass spectrometer data.

The iRGA software is a new and intuitive application for routine vacuum monitoring. It is designed to be simple and automatic.

  • automatically provides partial pressure data for the common residual gas and vapours, including hydrogen, helium, water, nitrogen, oxygen, argon and a custom gas.
  • includes a new tablet view where the background colour changes depending on alarm condition
  • includes a trend view, scan, leak detection and maintenance modes
  • includes alarm function to send alerts to internal I/O, Wi-Fi and by email