Thin Films
Thin films manufactured at the nanometre to micron scale are part of our everyday life and used in:
- Special coatings for glass
- Devices in our computers
- Memory storage devices
- Read/Write heads
- Machine tools
- Displays
- Functional coatings
UHV analysis systems enable thin films to be studied with a minimum of contamination from the atmosphere
UHV Instruments
This presentation describes two instruments that provide vital Information for researchers creating the next generation materials.
- UHV-TPD Workstation for Ultra High Vacuum Temperature Programmed Desorption studies. UHV-TPD is a technique for the study of thermal effusion, and passivation.
- SIMS/SNMS Workstation and SIMS components, Secondary ion mass spectrometry and its complimentary technique secondary neutral mass spectrometry. SIMS/SNMS are techniques for surface composition analysis . Chemical mapping across the surface and 3D depth profiling.