Thin Films, Plasma and Surface Engineering
This is a selection of the academic papers available, our collection of papers that include data measured using Hiden Analytical instruments continues to grow and gives an insight into the ways our instruments can be used.
Please contact us to request papers relevant to your application.
Plasma Characterisation
Plasma characterisation, plasma ion analysers and langmuir probes.
Thin Film Optical Coating
Vacuum diagnostics and control of thin film coating processes.
Plasma Diagnostics
Plasma diagnostics – radicals, fast neutrals, negative ions and ion energy analysis
Plasma Deposited Thin Films
Plasma deposited thin films -HiPIMS and PECVD
UHV Surface Science
For the determination of surface composition, contaminant analysis and for depth profiling.
Plasma DepositionÂ
Analytical systems for plasma deposition.
Atmospheric Plasma
Atmospheric plasma.
Plasma Medicine
Plasma medicine.
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics.
Ion Thrusters
Ion Thrusters
Plasma Etching
Plasma Etching
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