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The new catalogue details the latest Hiden Analytical quadrupole residual gas analysers, applications extending from routine vacuum composition monitoring through to sophisticated scientific analyses. System are supplied for operation through pressures ranging from millibar through to extreme high vacuum(XHV), and the catalogue items are supplemented by a custom-engineering design service for experiment-specific requirements including in-vacuum cooling and heating, probe insertion distance and remote in-vacuum mounting.

Typical mass ranges of 1:50amu to 1:300amu accommodate most gaseous and vapour species, with alternative mass ranges to 1000amu offered for specialised applications. Analogue and pulse ion counting detectors are selectable to optimise performance for widest dynamic range of 10 decades, fastest measurement rate to 500 samples per second and highest sensitivity to 5x10E-16 millibar minimum detection level. Ion source options are configured for general analysis, for molecular beam applications or for minimal degas rates for UHV/XHV applications.

The single-stage mass filters are used for many general applications, with the 3F-series triple-stage mass filter being used for the most demanding applications requiring maximum performance in terms of both mass resolution and abundance sensitivity.

All operating parameters are software integrated giving full control of mass resolution, ionisation current and ionisation energies, with the soft ionisation feature enabling simplification of complex molecular fragmentation spectra.


New RGA Catalogue Overview

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Download catalogue : Mass Spectrometers for Residual Gas Analysis – RGA

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