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The CERN Accelerator School in collaboration with MAX IV Laboratory organised a course on Vacuum for Particle Accelerators in Glumslov, Sweden from 6th – 16th June 2017. Hiden Analytical were pleased to provide sponsorship for the school in order to fund a grant for a student to attend the school. Hiden Analytical also provided two HAL 101 RC RGA instruments on loan to The CERN Accelerator School for the Residual Gas Analysis workshops. Experts from CERN used the Hiden RGAs as part of these workshops, in order to provide tutorials on Residual Gas Analysers for the students at the Accelerator School.

The photographs below show the high vacuum equipment, including the two Hiden HAL 101 RC RGAs, set up ready for the first Residual Gas Analysis workshop.

Hiden HAL 101 RC RGAs, set up ready for the first Residual Gas Analysis workshop

Hiden HAL 101 RC RGAs, set up ready for the first Residual Gas Analysis workshop

Hiden HAL 101 RC RGAs, set up ready for the first Residual Gas Analysis workshop

Hiden HAL 101 RC RGAs, set up ready for the first Residual Gas Analysis workshop

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