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Plasma Characterisation


Characterization of an RF-excited broad beam ion source operated with a mixture of CHF3 and O2 2.34 MB 17 downloads

Characterization of an RF-excited broad beam ion source operated with a mixture of...

Development of a compact helicon plasma source with two sets of ring array permanent magnets for the study of blue core plasma 8.05 MB 37 downloads

Development of a compact helicon plasma source with two sets of ring array permanent...

A pulsed hollow cathode discharge operated in an Ar/N2/O2 gas mixture and the formation of nitric oxide. 1.69 MB 37 downloads

A pulsed hollow cathode discharge operated in an Ar/N2/O2 gas mixture and the formation...

Mass spectroscopic measurement of time-varying ion composition in a pulse-modulated Ar/C4 F8 /O2 dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma 1.02 MB 41 downloads

Mass spectroscopic measurement of time-varying ion composition in a pulse-modulated...

Mass spectroscopy of oxygen plasmas with energetic ions 5.06 MB 48 downloads

Mass spectroscopy of oxygen plasmas with energetic ions ...

Refined Appearance Potential Mass Spectrometry for High Precision Radical Density Quantification in Plasma 3.98 MB 39 downloads

Refined Appearance Potential Mass Spectrometry for High Precision Radical Density...

Ion energy distribution of plasma ions of a hollow cathode discharge in Ar + N2 and Ar + O2 gas mixtures 732.02 KB 39 downloads

Ion energy distribution of plasma ions of a hollow cathode discharge in Ar + N2 and...

Estimation of Vibrational Temperatures of N2 and CO2 in Low-Pressure Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasmas by Threshold Ionization Mass Spectrometry 623.48 KB 34 downloads

Estimation of Vibrational Temperatures of N2 and CO2 in Low-Pressure Electron Cyclotron...

Chamber with Inverted Electrode Geometry for Measuring and Control of Ion Flux-Energy Distribution Functions 3.39 MB 36 downloads

Chamber with Inverted Electrode Geometry for Measuring and Control of Ion Flux-Energy...