Membrane inlet mass spectrometry method (REOX/MIMS) to measure 15N-nitrate in isotope-enrichment experiments
Using 15N stable isotope as a tracer to quantify N transformation rates in isotope-enrichment experiments improves understanding of the N cycle in...
Magnetic field effect on the corrosion processes at the Eurofer–Pb–17Li flow interface
It is planned to breed the reaction in future fusion reactors with lithium from solid lithium ceramics from the eutectic liquid-metal lithium-lead...
Element- and charge-state-resolved ion energies in the cathodic arc plasma from composite AlCr cathodes in argon, nitrogen and oxygen atmospheres
Cathodic arc plasmas are frequently applied to deposit wear-resistant coatings like Al-Cr-N and Al-Cr-O. The metals are introduced as cathodes which...
Ruling Factors in Cinnamaldehyde Hydrogenation: Activity and Selectivity of Pt-Mo Catalysts
The importance of investigating the acidity of heterogeneous catalysts cannot be overstated, particularly when acidity is the key factor ruling the...
Mechanochemical defect engineering of HKUST-1 and impact of the resulting defects on carbon dioxide sorption and catalytic cyclopropanation
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), that are hybrid porous materials built from the assembly of metal centers and bridging organic linkers, are ideal...
Optimizing the fabrication of nuclear fuels
Uranium dioxide (UO2) as well as actinide mixed oxides such as (U,Pu)O2 MOx are currently employed as fuels in several types of nuclear reactors and...
Mechanistic insight in NO trapping on Pd/Chabazite systems for the low-temperature NOx removal from Diesel exhausts
Passive NOx Adsorbers (PNA) are a novel technology designed to reduce NOx emissions during the Diesel engine cold start period by adsorbing them at...
Revisiting magnesium oxide to boost hydrogen production via water-gas shift reaction: Mechanistic study to economic evaluation
Although numerous defects can be generated on MgO by a novel synthesis route, research on MgO-supported catalysts is rare because the reported...
Thermal Activation of Digested Sewage Sludges for Carbon Dioxide Removal from Biogas
Sewage sludges from a wastewater treatment plant (WWT) were anaerobically digested for the biogas production and energy use. The refuses of such...