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Plasma Langmuir Probe


Selective Etching of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 Thin Films Over Silicon 794.01 KB 40 downloads

Selective etching of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin films over silicon in an inductively coupled...

Plasma Characteristics in Pulse-Mode Plasmas using Time-Delayed, Time-Resolved Langmuir... 1.14 MB 55 downloads

Plasma characteristics in pulse-mode plasmas using time-delayed, time-resolved Langmuir...

Observations of the long-term plasma evolution in a pulsed dc magnetron discharge. 694.99 KB 39 downloads

Observations of the long-term plasma evolution in a pulsed dc magnetron discharge. ...

Langmuir probe measurements in an inductively coupled plasma source. 199.29 KB 62 downloads

Langmuir probe measurements in an inductively coupled plasma source. ...

Ion energy distribution functions and Langmuir probe measurements in low pressure argon discharges. 128.80 KB 62 downloads

Ion energy distribution functions and Langmuir probe measurements in low pressure...

Investigation of SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films etching mechanisms in Cl2/Ar plasma. 104.93 KB 34 downloads

Investigation of SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films etching mechanisms in Cl2/Ar plasma. ...

Inductively coupled Cl2/Ar plasma: Experimental investigation and modeling. 152.30 KB 30 downloads

Inductively coupled Cl2/Ar plasma: Experimental investigation and modeling. ...

Etching characteristics and mechanisms of the MgO thin films in the CF4/Ar inductively coupled plasma. 243.92 KB 28 downloads

Etching characteristics and mechanisms of the MgO thin films in the CF4/Ar inductively...

Etching characteristics and mechanism of Au thin films in inductively coupled Cl2/Ar plasma. 93.31 KB 23 downloads

Etching characteristics and mechanism of Au thin films in inductively coupled Cl2/Ar...

Effect of the Gas Mixing Ratio on the Plasma Parameters and the Gas Phase Composition in Cl2/CF4 Inductively Coupled Plasmas. 1.27 MB 29 downloads

Effect of the Gas Mixing Ratio on the Plasma Parameters and the Gas Phase Composition...